Sunday, October 23, 2011


We harvested the maize using the local people in the area although they charged me a lot more than usual because they had money form their own harvest. I harvested the 10acres which gave us less than what we had expected to get, this was because the second round of weeding was not done very well. I was disappointed with what was got but I didn’t let it put me down cause it was the first time I was doing agriculture on my own and when it's your first time doing something you will be faced with some challenges, so that didn’t let my hopes down. 

I decided to plant second season which started in September during this time I purchased some bulls that would help me ox-plow the land, I cleared the land after which I  plowed it and planted maize, I have reduced on the acres form ten to just seven to allow for effective management. I look forward to the next harvest , to see how many bags I can get from each acre of maize planted and the total from all seven acres. I also decided to introduce new crops like tomatoes, cabbages, onions. I’m researching if these crops can also do well in the area before I can get into full production next year during the first season, i planted about one acre which I’m handling well at the moment.

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